Free delivery in Switzerland

Delivery is generally free for all products delivered to addresses in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. All orders from our own warehouse are handled by Swiss Post. All products available on are physically in Switzerland and available for delivery within three days (fromm Monday to Friday).

If the chosen product is not directly available in Switzerland, you can notice the possibility on the product page the posibility to pre-order it. In this case the product will be sent to you within 30 days.

Order by 12 a.m. today, your order is taken care of and processed within the same day (posted included)

The following applies to all products in stock at our main warehouse: all orders made by 12 a.m. on (form MOnday to Friday) are processed and shipped on the same day and generally delivered (~95%) to the delivery address within three days (form Monday to Friday).

Leaving parcels on your doorstep

Should you not be at home at the time of delivery, the post may deposit the parcel in front of your door. If you don’t want this to happen, you can contact the post office by telephone or e-mail in advance (Phone: 0848 888 888, e-mail: The corresponding changes are then stored in the Swiss Post system.

International delivery

Our delivery service is only available in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Transport damage

Please inspect the package carefully upon receipt and promptly report any damage.